How easy is it to create a customized mobile app?
September Newsletter
STQRY Spotlight
World of Wine (WOW) is a must-see cultural district in Vila Nova de Gaia, a city on the south side of Porto, Portugal. WOW also just launched the perfect mobile guide app in record time! Read about the app and how it was launched in just a few weeks using the STQRY Builder.
Case Study: African American Heritage Preservation Foundation, Inc.

The African American Heritage Preservation Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve and raise awareness of little-known African American historical sites. Creating an app for the Foundation was a natural next step in helping expand AAHPF’s resources. 


Read more about it in our newest case study!

The end user has so many options and flexibility of ease in this app. It provides a summary of the site, direct links to the documentation of the site, virtual tours, and educational lesson plans where applicable.
- E. Renée Ingram, AAHPF Founder
Building a Tour Guide App Is Easier Than You Think

Whatever your reason for brainstorming the perfect mobile app, you might keep putting it off out of concern over the timeline and budget. Building a mobile app is no longer as expensive or time-consuming as it used to be.


In this post we explore all the reasons why building a mobile tour guide app is much easier (and more affordable) than you might imagine!

7 Steps to Create an Amazing Audio Tour

When venues discover stories that have the potential to make people laugh, cry, and think, they can offer a more enriching experience that turns visitors into fans and ambassadors who spread the word.


In this post, we show how your message can become “edu-tainment” and provide a simple roadmap you can follow to create your own audio tour. 

Presenting your Mobile App 
We work with clients daily to help them understand how their organization can benefit from offering a mobile app. 
See our step by step instructions to presenting a mobile app to a large group.
Additional Services

Are you looking to publish an app but need help with content? Or do you lack the bandwidth to upload content and design your experience? Our additional services range from translation services to build services. Contact us for a quote!
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